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发布日期:2019年03月27日 15:34      发布者:校友会      点击:[]

汪宝堆教授(Associate Professor Baodui Wang),硕士生导师。男,1973年5月生。1996年7月毕业于天水师范学院应用化学专业。


主要研究兴趣为磁性纳米粒子的可控合成及催化性质研究、多功能磁性纳米粒子荧光探针的设计及在药物载体和多模态成像方面的研究。迄今在国际学术刊物如J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.,Anal. Chem., Chem. Commun.等发表论文50余篇。


1. “导航型”磁性半导体纳米药物的构建及其在肿瘤光热化疗中的应用(国家自然科学基金、面上项目、主持)

2. 智能型基因-化学药物共传输磁性纳米复合载体的构建及评价(国家自然科学基金、面上项目、主持)

3. 单分散磁性纳米颗粒的高频磁性(“973”计划、参与)

4. 稀土多核配合物的识别功能及其应用研究(国家自然基金、重点项目、参与)

5. 可视和双模式载药一体化磁性纳米载体的构建及在肿瘤诊断和治疗中的应用(教育部新世纪优秀人才、主持)


1. Construct 3D Pd@MoS2-conjugated polypyrrole framworks Heterojunction with unprecedented photocatalytic activity for Tsuji-Trost reaction under visible light.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.2019, 244, 356-366.

2. Anions reversibly responsive luminescent nanocellulose hydrogels for cancer spheroids culture and release.Biomaterials.2019, 194, 161-170.

3. Reversible Response of Luminescent Terbium(III)-Nanocellulose Hydrogels to Anions for Latent Fingerprint Detection and Encryption.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 6786 -6790.

4. Au3Cu tetrapod nanocrystals: highly efficient and metabolizable multimodality imaging-guided NIR-II photothermal agents.Nanoscale Horiz. 2018, 3, 624-631.

5. Porous Wood Members-Based Amplified Colorimetric Sensor for Hg2+Detection through Hg2+-Triggered Methylene Blue Reduction Reactions.Anal. Chem.2018, 90, 4909-4915.

6. Hyper-Cross-linked Porous MoS2-Cyclodextrin-Polymer Frameworks: Durable Removal of Aromatic Phenolic Micropollutant from Water.Anal. Chem.2018, 90, 3621-3627.

7. Gram-scale synthesis of aligned C3N4-polypyrrole heterojunction aerogels with tunable band structures as efficient visible and near infrared light-driven metal-free photocatalysts;J. Mater. Chem. A, 5, 24920-24928.

8. Designing of blue, green, and red CsPbX3perovskite-codoped flexible films with water resistant property and elimination of anion-exchange for tunable white light emission;Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 5400-5403.

9. An Efficient Hydrogen-Generation CuO/Co3O4Heterojunction Nanofiber for Sensitive Detection of Cancer Cells by Portable Pressure Meter.Anal. Chem.2017, 89, 8140-8147.

10.Photocatalysis-Based Nanoprobes Using Noble Metal-Semiconductor Heterostructure for Visible Light-Driven in Vivo Detection of Mercury.Anal. Chem.2017, 89, 7649-7658.

11.Interface coassembly of mesoporous MoS2 based-frameworks for enhanced near-infrared light driven photocatalysis.Chem Commun.2016, 52, 6431-6434.

12.A high-performance imaging probe with NIR luminescence and synergistically enhanced T1-T2 relaxivity for in vivo hepatic tumor targeting and multimodal imaging.Chem. Commun.2015, 51, 13369-13372.

13.Coupling of Luminescent Terbium Complexes toFe3O4Nanoparticles for Imaging Applications.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2011, 50, 3063-3066.

14.Selective Detection of Iron(III) by Rhodamine-Modified Fe3O4Nanoparticles.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2010, 49, 4576-4579.

15.Dumbbell-like Au- Fe3O4Nanoparticles for Target-Specific Platin Delivery,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2009, 131, 4216-4217.

16.pH Controlled Release of Chromone from Chromone-Fe3O4Nanoparticles.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2008, 130, 14436-14437.



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